The social turning point can be defined as a sort of digital Big Bang, since it led to an immediate revolution and first involved a target of young users, then also more mature sections of the population. It is estimated that currently in Italy 71% of the population uses a social network to communicate, express their satisfaction and even get information, therefore companies wishing to compete on the market certainly cannot do without such a tool.

Born as a way to exchange notes and information, social networks have now become a life partner, a way to stay in touch and make your proposal known, whether it speaks of products or services, finding the right interpretation key to get to the heart of potential buyers and increasingly broaden their range. Social Network Marketing is therefore placed in this perspective, which seeks to create bonds and affinities with people, encouraging them to feel part of a special community from which they no longer wish to leave. The work is constant and is not limited to the initial attraction, as it must be continuously fueled to prevent a more attractive competitor from stealing away the customer with interesting and modern initiatives.


One of the aspects that is mostly taken care of by social media marketing is certainly that of the study of the habits of social media users. Imagine how the tastes and preferences of Facebook users have changed over time, or how the curricula created on Linkedin have changed. This is because modern society changes rapidly and social networks are a faithful mirror of its condition and continuous evolution.

Creating a social page for a company therefore means considering it a product in the making, carrying out a continuous market analysis and touching the satisfaction of the followers. Precisely for this reason, figures who deal with the various sectors of the macro-sector are strictly necessary, such as graphics, loyalty initiatives, interesting debate and promotions that can temporarily retain users, expanding more and more the target customer.

The social and economic context plays a leading role when it comes to Social Media Marketing, since we must keep in mind who the people with whom we interface are and what their language is. In fact, communication must take place on a level known to be effective, which also changes according to the reference social network. Think, for example, of how the word and the force of the post on Facebook are used more than that of the video and image on Instagram, or the formal language that must be used on professional systems such as Linkedin.

It is therefore necessary to have an accurate knowledge of the written and unwritten rules of these portals, following them in their evolution and also observing those that are most successful over time, in order to use them in one’s favor for advertising purposes.


Social media marketing is therefore an advertising system that relies on the use of social media to attract a selected and widest possible customer target. It does not consist only in the mere advertising of a product, but also in arousing interest and debate, using the tools that portals such as Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram or Youtube are able to offer, each for their own skills. It is one of the most immediate ways currently used to involve and retain customers, especially in an era like ours where companies are continuously multiplying and it is very difficult to stand out from the crowd.

There are various steps that should be followed if you want to land on the web with your own page, in order to have a better chance of success. The first step to take is to conduct a survey on the past, to understand what the trend has been in recent years, dividing Audiltel and also users by demographic area. In this way it is possible to identify whether tastes change from one area to another and how they have changed in relation to the environmental factor. Subsequently it is necessary to establish objectives, goals to be completed in order to obtain success.

The purpose of a social campaign is certainly to improve the visibility of one’s service or product, encouraging people to follow the initiatives and therefore to become attached to the brand, with less chance that they can look elsewhere. This is achieved by responding to their implicit requests, related to taste and fashion, making them feel part of a community that understands them and is able to respond to their needs. After defining a target of potential users, without ever losing sight of the possibility of expanding it at any time, the time has come to develop a strategy that can help increase popularity by articulating a series of interesting initiatives.

They can be tantalizing and fun posts, ad hoc promotions created on the basis of the study of your target customers, or reels or videos that lead the user to linger and see it all in one go. However, we are talking about a highly dynamic work, which does not allow us to rest on our laurels since the tastes of the public change with significant speed and to keep up the analysis must be constant and not just circumstantial. The editorial dynamics, which concern the style and tone of voice, must be characteristic of a company and bewitching for users, choosing the best communication method according to the chosen platform.

It is also necessary to evaluate the one in which a company is most able to express its potential, perhaps being penalized in other contexts. Imagine how a creative company can perform better on Instagram than Linkedin or, conversely, how a modern and rigorous company can be inadequate using posts with emoticons on Facebook. To each his own social network, this should be the motto of Social Media Marketing. Because a social media page should never be missing within a company!

A social page is now the business card of every company, as it is certainly one of the first channels within which a product or service is sought, in addition to the main search engines. Its purpose is to increase visibility in a productive way, not only by scrolling images which are then forgotten in a very short time, but also by creating a loyalty relationship that leads to reading and interacting with posts periodically or constantly. The goal is to create a large community linked to your business, making sure that digital word of mouth can also play its essential role in beating the fierce competition.

The means to achieve this goal is to find the most congenial communication method for your target customers and the type of social network you want to conquer. In light of this, it is essential to be able to count on a team of experts who know how to best manage the language of the web, from the point of view of form and content, since these are two inseparable concepts if you want to be successful and be able to stay at the summit for a long time. In fact, there are several companies that manage to have a momentary boom, but then the real difficulty is to maintain important levels and obtain regular and growing numbers.


Siamo un team di professionisti appassionati di comunicazione e marketing. Le discipline nelle quali operiamo sono da sempre una passione ed un lavoro costante e continuo.